Friday, 1 March 2013

Interactive jQuery Chart and Graph Plugins

This post offers free javascript libraries and jQuery plugins to create useful chart and graph for most of your needs, includes serial (column, bar, line, area, step line, smoothed line, candlestick and ohlc graphs), pie/donut, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange and polar chart types. Those plugins can be used for creating your own feature-rich canvas charting and graphing.

Animated wicked CSS3 3d bar chart

The principle is the same as the previous version: Create a beautiful 3d bar chart. But this time, we don't create a "stacked" one (since animation would be hard), but several bars placed under each other. When hovering, the animation shows and the bar will grow to the appropriate size.
Animated CSS3_3d_bar_chart

JavaScript charts

It's a set of JavaScript/HTML5 charts for most of your needs. Our package includes serial (column, bar, line, area, step line, smoothed line, candlestick and ohlc graphs), pie/donut, radar/polar and xy/scatter/bubble charts.
JavaScript charts

JavaScript Stock Chart

Stock Chart is a powerful application that lets you forget about most of the boring parts in building complex statistical systems. It has built-in period and data set selection tools, and can group data to longer periods. This enables you to make drill-down charts without any additional coding, using one data file only. Click on "MAX" button below the chart and you will notice that the chart displays monthly data. Click the "1 Month" button, and you will see that the chart now displays daily data. This is done without any data reloading!
JavaScript Stock_Chart


Highcharts is a javascript library that offers interactive charts to your website. It supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange and polar chart types.


Timeplot is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for plotting time series and overlay time-based events over them (with the same data formats that Timeline supports).


RGraph is a Javascript and HTML5 based charts library that supports wide variety of charts. This library uses the HTML5 canvas tag, that means the performance is much better.


jqPlot is a jQuery plug-in which is used for data visualization and it provides easy customization of charts. It is licensed under MIT and GPL2.


Making good-looking graphs shouldn't be hard. Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaƫl to make drawing simple charts easy.

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