I have postponed this article for far too long and I noticed only when my shortlist for this article kept getting bigger and bigger. In the end I had to cut a few jQuery plugins and other webdev resources that were slightly less important than these below in order to have a decent number of items in the article, and not a humungous list.
As you may be accustomed with these articles that are posted once in a few weeks, there are various resources to choose from which cover various issues that a web designer/web developer might encounter.
Save time and take the pain out of routine front-end web testing. One-click testing of your entire site.
Greensock JavaScript Animation
Greensock is a fantastic JavaScript animation framework that performs above and beyond everything else currently available to those of us working with web design.
Though only few people know of it in the JavaScript world it’s got a huge audience in the world Flash, where it’s about as widely used as jQuery is among JavaScript-folks.
jBar Plugin, the jQuery call to action bar
jBar is a simple and lightweight jQuery notification banner I’ve created which is an alternative to the Hellobar. It allows you to create a simple call to action and bring it forward for the user to see at the top of your website. The user can then toggle the visibility of the bar by clicking the ribbon.
slideControl.js jQuery Plugin
Super Simple Auto Spriting, Minification and Bundling solution. No need to tell RequestReduce where your resources are. Your CSS and Javascript can be anywhere – even on an external host. RequestReduce finds them at runtime automatically.
Simple Grid
Simple Grid was created for developers who need a barebones grid. Simple Grid works well with 1140px layouts but easily adapts to any size of layout. With fluid columns, Simple Grid is responsive down to mobile.
View & share how sites look at different screen sizes
Delta – A Free jQuery UI Theme
Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.
Codiad is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements. The system is still early in development, and while it has been proven extremely stable please be sure to backup regularly if you use it in any production work.
CSS FilterLab
CSS FilterLab is using some cutting-edge technology that is available in the latest Google Chrome Canary and WebKit nightly builds.
A lightweight graphics library with an intuitive graphics API and an SVG renderer.
CSSHórus is a CSS framework for easy and fast development of responsive and mobile websites. It contains 16 grid columns and basic style formats (Resets, Basics, Typography, Lists, Links, Table, Form, Button) for your web project, also with RTL and LESS CSS.
Super Simple Responsive Framework
Kube: CSS-framework for professional developers
Minimal and enough. Adaptive and responsive. Revolution grid and beautiful typography. No imposed styles and freedom.
Deployd is a platform that makes building complex backends simple. Build APIs for web and mobile apps in minutes instead of days. Unlike working with a traditional backend, there’s no boilerplate, or configuration. Deployd works right out of the box. The best part is that you can run it however and wherever you want – it’s free and open source.
Fine Uploader
Scripted is a fast and lightweight code editor with an initial focus on JavaScript editing. Scripted is a browser based editor and the editor itself is served from a locally running Node.js server instance.
Tiny Circleslider
Tiny Circleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide webdevelopers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage. It was built using the javascript jQuery library.
Ejecta is like a Browser without the Browser. It’s specially crafted for Games and Animations. It has no DIVs, no Tables, no Forms – only Canvas and Audio elements. This focus makes it fast.
Jarallax is an open-source javascript library which makes adjusting CSS based on interaction easy. With Jarallax it’s easy to create a parallax scrolling website.
Tampon, an open source Buffer app
Tampon implements Buffer’s great original MVP: the ability to stock up tweets, choose a schedule, and have them shared automatically through the day.
Sentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform. It specializes in monitoring errors and extracting all the information needed to do a proper post-mortem without any of the hassle of the standard user feedback loop.
Socialist – Social Feed Plugin
Socialist is a social feed plugin that combines multiple social media feeds in one place. Use it to combine content and create a social wall from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, Craiglist RSS and other social networks.
Cycle2 is a versitile slideshow plugin for jQuery built around ease-of-use. It supports a declarative initialization style that allows full customization without any scripting. Simply include the plugin, declare your markup, and Cycle2 does the rest.
jQuery Stick ’em: Make Content Sticky on Scroll, to a Point
Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects
SuperAgent is a small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, sporting many high-level HTTP client features.
Selfstarter is an open source starting point for building your own ad-hoc crowdfunding site. It was put together by Lockitron after they were turned down from Kickstarter.
Pikaday: JavaScript datepicker
Pikaday is a JavaScript datepicker with a light footprint and easy style-ability with modular CSS. It’s in ‘developer preview mode’ but already looking great
Cambelt: Functional Placeholder Images
TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively decreasing the number of colours in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!
PHP Error, error reporting done right
CSSrefresh is a small, unobstructive javascript file that monitors the CSS-files included in your webpage. As soon as you save a CSS-file, the changes are directly implemented, without having to refresh your browser.
timing — a jQuery core plugin
jquery-timing provides easy-to-use methods to define iterations, timeouts, intervals, Deferreds, and event-based loops and handlers just in line with all your jQuery stuff.
lenticular.js: tilt-controlled images
jQuery Easing Plugin
jQuery with jQuery Easing Plugin is the easiest way to describe animation with easing. You need just set easing name to .animate method as third argument or easing key.
Easing function specifies the speed of animation progresses to make it more realistic.
The real object doesn’t begin its movement instantly and at a constant rate. When we open the drawer, we first give it acceleration, and then we slow it down. When something falls, it first goes down faster and faster, and then bounces back after it hits the floor.
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