The normal themes for WordPress are dull aren’t they? Customizing them is the only solution in order to make them look really neat but in order to do that you gotta have some knowledge of WordPress hacks. Guess what. You have here in this article a number of 65 interesting WordPress hacks or articles that will teach you in detail how to edit your WP theme like a WordPress rockstar.
How To Add A Google Buzz Share Button
An extension of its Gmail platform, Google Buzz allows users to share photos, links, status updates and videos through Gmail or through mobile technology. As an indicator of Buzz’s potential reach, Gmail is currently the third most popular web-based email service in the world, recording 176.5 million unique visitors in December alone.
In this simple tutorial, we will teach you how to integrate Google Buzz button which opens in same window and has a close button too at top right hand side. This also picks the post excerpt automatically.
Highlight Author Comments in WordPress – The Right Way
This is an old topic that has been covered by many other blogs and magazines–to the extreme, but it needs updating. I’m talking about how to highlight comments posted by the author of the article. The tutorials out there only work for one user ID for the whole site. That is a big mistake, as it didn’t allow for scalability — it only works when you are blogging on your own (and with only one account). We have given it an overhaul, and updated the code.
How To Style a Breadcrumb Like in WordPress
In our previous article, “How to Add Breadcrumbs Without Plugin and Best Practice” we have made a simple breadcrumb. In this tutorial we’re going to turn our breadcrumb into something that looks like the ones you see on
Create Simple A/B Tests In WordPress
One of the best things you can implement in your site right now is A/B testing.
According to good old Wikipedia, A/B testing is;
“A/B testing, split testing, or bucket testing is a method of marketing testing by which a baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single-variable test samples in order to improve response rates”
“A/B testing, split testing, or bucket testing is a method of marketing testing by which a baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single-variable test samples in order to improve response rates”
Separating Trackbacks From Comments in WordPress 2.7, 2.8 & 2.9
Trackback is methods for Web authors to request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. This enables authors to keep track of who is linking, and so referring, to their articles.
In layman’s terms, trackback is a way to notify a website when you publish an entry that references it.
In layman’s terms, trackback is a way to notify a website when you publish an entry that references it.
Trackbacks are the messages displayed in the comments list whenever another blog links back to one of your posts. Pingbacks and trackbacks are great because they mean other bloggers are linking to you, but they can also hurt the conversation within the comments by interfering and cluttering things up.
Prevent Hotlinking (Save Bandwidth)
Many a times Bloggers run out of their monthly usage without even their articles getting many hits, resulting in a downtime or paying penalty for specific hosting. This might be a result of Hotlinking, this means that the images you are hosting on your site are used by other sites by inserting same links in IMG tags, which sucks your bandwidth.
This simple tutorial will help you prevent this in a snap.
How to insert ads every two posts in WordPress
It is said that ads inserted on the content perform better than those on sidebars or footers. Let’s see a quick and easy technique for WordPress to display ads every two posts.
In order to do this, we need to initialize a variable before entering The Loop and, during the iteration through the posts, test if its value is even. We will use the Modulus operator %, which in an operation
Easily navigate pages on your dashboard
If like me you use WordPress as much as a content management system then this plugin will place a widget on your dashboard that lets you navigate through your pages as though it was windows explorer.
How to Convert a WordPress Blog into WordPress MU
WordPress is one of the best and very popular blogging platforms which is not only free but also released as a open source project.
On the other hand, WPMU (wordpress mu or multi-user) is another version of wordpress which uses the core wp with some modifications and convert any single user wordpress blog into a multi user blogging platform.
On the other hand, WPMU (wordpress mu or multi-user) is another version of wordpress which uses the core wp with some modifications and convert any single user wordpress blog into a multi user blogging platform.
WordPress and jQuery: Troubleshooting, Implementing Sidebar Tabs and More
WordPress and jQuery can work effectively if implemented correctly. It can enhance your blogs functionality and usability. In this post we will look at some wordpress-jQuery troubleshooting tips, techniques and also how to add tabs to your sidebar.
How to add an option to Hybrid News options page
I’ve been working a bit with the great WordPress framework that Hybrid Theme is. It really speeds up the development process, and you can even forget about it if the blog you need is closely resembled by one of the freely available themes. For example, I built the SoloKawaii site in about three hours from achieving a colour combination, the proper typography, and coding it using Hybrid News. I also created images for the slider that displays featured news.
Hybrid News has some options to format the layout you need but sometimes you could need more options for your client or for yourself in the theme options page. In this tutorial, we will cover just that: adding another option to the theme options page.
Hybrid News has some options to format the layout you need but sometimes you could need more options for your client or for yourself in the theme options page. In this tutorial, we will cover just that: adding another option to the theme options page.
10 wordpress hacks & tricks that I like
There are many wordpress tweaks , hacks and tricks that we see everyday here are 10 tricks that I’ve seen lately and thought they are cool .
How to Fix readfile Problem on TimThumb
There are readfile function problem on some server in TimThumb auto resized imaged on the fly, this script development by Darren Hoyt and Tweak by Ben Gillbanks, The problem that I currently have is readfile function that disabled by Hosting Server Administrator, they said disabled this function for security reason. So I googling to find out how to fix this problem.
Add Google Buzz Button To WordPress Blog
In my last post, I posted about Google Buzz, a new social tool by Google. If you are still unaware of Google Buzz, you can read about it here. Famous tech blogs Mashable and TechCrunch already started adding the Google Buzz buttons into their posts. Now you can also add Buzz this button to your WordPress blog.
To make this button work, your Google reader account must be connected with Google Buzz account. If you already have a Google reader account then it must be already connected with your Google Buzz account.
How To Display Twitter counter in Text
Display Twitter Counter in Text is easily in WordPress with PHP code, all need to do just write down some PHP Script in our wordpress theme, we can write it on sidebar.php, footer.php, header.php or whatever we want to put on.
This code is similar with our previous tutorial about display FeedBurner counter in text, but we need to change some code, because the source is different, we still use file_get_contents() functions, this functions is the some function that we use to modified TimThumb Script to make it work on some server problem.
30 Twitter Hacks and Plugins to Spice Up Your WordPress Blog
Twitter has grown exponentially in the past few months and Still, It’s growing like crazy. Twitter has surpassed Facebook and others to become the fastest-growing site in the “Member Communities” category. Twitter is a powerful marketing and promotion tool that no active blogger can ignore.
23 WordPress E-commerce Plugins To Set Up Online Store
In the last few years WordPress improves itself so much and every day and maybe every hour new plugins are being released for WordPress.When WordPress was first released it was hard to imagine to use wordpress platform as a shopping platform or selling anything from the blog but as you see below,many plugins are released for shopping,e-commerce solutions or even for donations.
Add Floating Back To Top Icon Link
We all are very sensitive to the word ‘annoying’, since its related to loosing visitors. When after scrolling long deep pages, if a readers has to go back to top of page, he/she has to do this by pressing the up button located on the right side of our browser, which is very annoying.
That is when this little trick comes in handy. This trick will add a floating up arrow button which will help you go back to top of page with just one click, no matter what is the position of the page, even if you are half way down the post, you can click this button to go back to top.
Using a WordPress Page as Your Home Page
It’s not only possible it’s relatively easy. The first step is to create a page to serve as your new home page. For the purpose of this example, we’ll call it “My New Home Page.”
11 Fresh Google Buzz wordpress plugins
Google Buzz is growing rapidly these times, its more of a necessity to have Buzz integrated to your bog theme right now for more interacting with your readers and fans.I hope these Buzz tools will help you integrate Google Buzz in your wordpress blog
35+ Most Essential WordPress Tricks and Hacks
Many times you would have come across wordpress blogs and said to yourself “How did he do it?”, “Is that a plugin? If not, how to use it”, “can i do it in my blog?”
For answering all such questions we have compiled here some of the most essential worpress hacks that could make your blogging life easier and help you getting the best out of WordPress that too without using any plugins.
For answering all such questions we have compiled here some of the most essential worpress hacks that could make your blogging life easier and help you getting the best out of WordPress that too without using any plugins.
List categories next to their description
Listing Category names beside their Description is not something WordPress offers an easy solution to within the codex though it sounds easy enough. WordPress’ wp_list_categories will add the Description to the Category name link as a title tag replacing the default “View all posts filed under CategoryName”. Unfortunately we ran into this issue while building a client web site and after several hours of research into the matter and altering the core to suit our needs we at last discovered the beauty of get_categories.
The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the use of get_categories to echo both the category name and it’s description side by side. From the WordPress codex: ‘get_categories’ “returns an array of category objects matching the query parameters. Arguments are pretty much the same as wp_list_categories and can be passed as either array or in query syntax.”
How To Wrap Google Adsense In WordPress Posts Correctly
It’s easy to add Google Adsense code in the top, the bottom of WordPress posts by edit your WordPress theme posts file. However, sometime you need to wrap Google Adsense code in WordPress posts, and you can not do as the same way as add it on top, bottom. This article will explain you how to do that.
Adsense Only to Search Engine Visitors
As we all know that regular visitors don’t click on ads, around 90% folks who click on ads are coming from search engines.
Also for fact that Google pays more if your click-through rate (CTR) is higher, Google’s “smart pricing.” Being smart priced means that your click-through rate (CTR) is low and the money you earn per click is divided by between 2 and 10. For example, if a click would normally earn you $1.00, with smart pricing it could earn you as little as $0.10. Painful, isn’t it? Happily, this solution displays your AdSense ads to search engine visitors only, which means more clicks and a higher CTR.
13 Useful WordPress SQL Queries You Wish You Knew Earlier
WordPress is driven by a MySQL database. This is something active WordPress users would know. However, if you only just read about it here from us, here’s what you should know. MySQL is a free relational database management system available in most web hosting services. All of the WordPress data like the posts, comments, categories, and settings are stored within the MySQL database.
5 Excellent WordPress Pagination Solutions
WordPress Pagination enables you to paginate lists of entries. For example, at the bottom of my home page you can see a list of linked page numbers to enable visitors to jump to any page number they want, instead of “Next” and “Previous” links.
There are a lot of benefits for pagination such as Improving Usability Of Your WordPress Blog , Enable your visitors to browse your site quickly and easily and ability to step through a large number of pages.
With Pagination , you can also paginate your Category, Author, and date-based archives, and even paginate your Entry archives, displaying only a small number of comments on each page.This post looks at best wordpress pagination solutions.
Add Social Links to Your WordPress Theme Without a Plugin
One WordPress plugin that almost everybody uses these days is one that lets you share your post on social bookmarking and social media websites. And with the way social media has exploded lately, they’d be silly not too. While plugins are great, they can also be bloaty slow loading, require updates and just be a bit of a hassle in general. Luckily it’s very easy to add social links to your WordPress theme without a plugin, just using php and template tags.
How to automatically switch WordPress themes on the fly
Want to switch between two themes according to a specific criteria ?
How to Use WordPress as CMS with Flutter Plugin
While extending WordPress as a CMS, Flutter is a plugin which allows us to create write panels for various type of content. Flutter also helps in the process of making versatile page templates. Another very useful feature of Flutter is its “Edit in place” feature. This feature enable user to edit the content is real time without going back to WordPress admin Panel. This is a very rich feature for those clients who don’t want to mess up with WordPress integrated WYSIWYG tiny mice editor for a small change in content. In this article we will take a look on how to create Custom Write Panels and page templates using Flutter, the CMS plugin for WordPress.
How To Add Bio Info To Your WordPress Blog Posts
Ever wanted that ability to show your bio information within your WordPress profile at the bottom of every post? For single user blogs, this might not be practical. But for multi-authored blogs, adding the bio info of each author at the bottom of their respective posts is a good way to give props to the author as well as providing information to the readers as to who that person is without having to refer to an about me page. The good news is that, you don’t need to install a plugin to have this functionality.
Creating a Category Menu in WordPress
One of the most common features on any blog or website is category highlighting showing you which category you’re in or the page is in. WordPress, by default, does not have a function to do this. Thus it’s up to us developers to write our own custom functions to do this, and that’s exactly what’s I’m going to be teaching you in this tutorial.
The Right Way To Build WordPress As A Community News
In WordPress, the popular plugin for us to build community news submission is FV Community News which is being used on a lot of blog pages. This plugin is really useful to add related articles from other blogs to your sidebar. Adding them manually takes lots of time we don’t have. However, FV Community News stores submissions in another table in database. That’s the problem now for someone want to build a community website where everyone can submit their news to. You can check some design community news website such as:,,… or check my second website at They and I are not using FV Community News to handle users submissions. The plugin on these websites is TDO Mini Forms because TDO Mini Form help users submit their posts as WordPress posts.
Image Decoration and Optimization Tutorial in WordPress
The reason in-post image decoration is important is because many WordPress sites have large collections of images, but they lack simple image size handling and other basic functionality. We’ve all seen blogs where the images overlap with text, or expand beyond the border of the design.
Giving each WordPress post a thumbnail, and display the thumbnail on the home page
You may encounter situations where you need to automatically display a thumbnail or image of some kind that will link to posts. Here’s an example of this kind of situation: you want to display recent posts from a certain category on your home page, with a thumbnail for each post and maybe the title and an excerpt. Or, I recently had a client that had a box on their homepage for multimedia where they wanted an image to appear that would represent the latest post in the Media category and would link to that post. A link to this site is at the end of this post, so read on.
10 Useful Code Snippets And Plugins To Spice Up WordPress Avatar
How well are you using avatar in your wordpress blog? Let see how people spice up avatar section in their wordpress. This entry provides us 10 most useful code snippets and wordpress plugins that help us control, customize our avatar in wordpress better.
Excellent Tutorials to Utilize the Power of WordPress and Facebook
Facebook can play a crucial role in your blog’s growth as it is one of the largest social media network on the web. In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage.
Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
In this tutorial, we will be using WordPress and Feedburner with a few plugins to create a simple Email Newsletter Service for your WordPress blog. You can track the performance of your newsletter by checking how many subscribers you have, how many clicks each link gets and much more.
Note: The codes referenced in this article will vary across themes because each designer has their own style of coding. So look for something similar or along the line of that code. This is by no means an advanced tutorial, but HTML and CSS Knowledge is recommended.
Displaying WordPress categories in a horizontal dropdown menu
One of my readers recently asked how I created my horizontal menu bar: the short answer is by mixing CSS and Javascript.
The first step is to get WordPress to display the menu as a hierarchical list without a title.
Show Category Images
I’m going to show you how to add some simple PHP code to your WordPress template and make linked images appear instead of text for your categories in posts. All you need to know is simple PHP, some basic HTML, and how to make your own graphics.
How to Protect CSS Mods for ANY WordPress Theme
I know you’re out there. You, the keen Web designer who rolls out both client and personal sites by modifying the CSS styles of existing WordPress themes. You’re smart, and I like that about you — after all, there’s no sense in reinventing the wheel with every project now, is there? Utilizing WordPress themes, or Website frameworks, is the only way to fly these days.
DiggProof your WordPress
I know, it’s a ballsy headline, but I’m tired of hearing all of the script kiddies on Digg scoff at WordPress, blaming it for sites crashing from the “Digg Effect.” Drupal, Movable Type and others all have similar problems, but there’s a lot of people saying you should never Digg a WordPress site because it will always crash. WordPress needs a little tweaking, but for the most part, it’s the server configuration that is to blame. Maybe the new release of WordPress will improve on some of the caching issues, but from what I can tell, it mostly improves on aspects of WordPress that I don’t use anyway (draft saving, image handling, modules, etc.).
How to Put Your Best Content Forward
Don’t let your best content get lost in the archives. Use them to impress first-time readers. Here are two ways to put your best content forward.
Boost Your Blog’s Response Rate With “Stripe Ad”
Pop-ups, pop-overs and pop-unders are all seen as obtrusive advertising that interferes with the user experience of your blog. The last thing someone needs is a flashy ad message popping up everywhere when they are trying to read your blog’s content.
RSS Footer
This very simple plugin let’s you add an extra line of content to articles in your feed, defaulting to “Post from: ” and then a link back to your blog
Must See SEO Guide for All WordPress Bloggers
One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology. It is less about buying links or tricking inadequate search technology. SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site, and your ability to write creative articles that are noteworthy for others to read and link to. This SEO guide should be your reference point for all WordPress blogs because in here we will mention some of the tips that has been proven to work. These techniques does not require heavy investment except for few bits of your time. Don’t make this to do list a chore, you can do these trick one per day and not feel stressed out about it.
A better WordPress tag cloud
A bit of copy & paste code that will make your WordPress tag clouds better looking and better performing.
12 Vital Tips and Tools to Combat Comment Spam in WordPress
Comment Spam is a big issue that you will face as your blog begins to gain popularity in the industry. You will see comments full of pornography, viagra, or other spammy links in massive counts. Also, you will see fake spammy sites making you think they are linking to your article by sending a trackback. In this article we share some of the most valuable tips, tools, tricks, and other WordPress plugins available for you to combat Comment Spam. If you don’t utilize the options we suggest, you will spend hours moderating the comments on your site.
How To Display A User Welcome Message
I know I’m not alone in this either because on almost every blog about marketing, blogging, and tutorials you find that the owners have added all of the extra plug-ins for their comments section, they’ve added in the “top commentators” and “most commented” plug-ins and sometimes use the LinkLove plug-in that will remove the nofollow attribute on commentators names after X amount of posts. So, what else is there that almost all blogs are overlooking that could help put them one step closer to creating the perfect user interaction?
WordPress hacks you can actually use
ately I have been on this wordpress theme kick. I have created a couple of new themes currently in the process of being added to the wordpress themes section. And since I never really worked with wordpress too much, I spent some time looking at “how to’s” and other peoples theme development. Some I found great, some I didn’t. All in All the power of wordpress is amazing and with that being said, I decided to put a little list together. A small roundup of some hacks and enhancements that I found useful and hopefully you do too.
WordPress Conditional Tags In Action (Different Sidebars)
WordPress can be used to create any type of site that’s because of it’s powerful functions which give developers the freedom to play and create , this tutorial is about a simple yet great for CMS sites tip which is creating different sidebars .
Regain control of your WordPress head element
After you’ve done this, you’ll regain full control over your element. Isn’t that liberating!?
18 Useful Tricks To Speed Up WordPress & Boost Performance
WordPress is a good CMS solution and even better blogging platform, but most sites using WordPress are not maximizing its potential. Performance is one of the important factor of a successful website. In this article we have compiled a list of useful tips, tricks, hacks, and plugins that can be used to speed up WordPress and boost it’s performance.
13 Vital Tips and Hacks to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area
As we continued to emphasize the security of your WordPress admin panel due to the recent attack on our site, we have compiled a fully detailed article that will highlight some of the must have security measures for your WordPress Admin Area.
Make Post Titles Non Clickable Inside The Posts
As you might have noticed that the Title Links of the posts on my blog are not clickable when you open any post. This is done so that we don’t violate the TOS of google adsense, if you planning to place ads under the Title Text. This tutorial will teach you how to achieve it in minimal steps. I assume that you know the basics of editing the theme and templates.
How To: AJAXify WordPress Comment Posting
There are tons of WordPress Tutorials out there, but i haven’t found a single one that explains how to AJAX-ify WordPress comment posting on blog posts. Though there are some plugins for AJAX comments, but none seem to work with WordPress 2.8 or later versions.
Today i will show you how to enable AJAX comments with client side JavaScript comment form validation on your WordPress blog step by step that should work with most versions of WordPress. We’ll be modifying the WordPress theme files to do that. In few days, i’ll be releasing a WordPress plugin that will automatically enable AJAX Comments. So, do subscribe to our RSS Feed or e-mail updates so that you are the first to know about it.
Integrate Minishowcase Gallery Into WordPress
Minishowcase is a small and simple php/javascript online photo gallery, powered by AJAX that allows you to easily show your images online, without complex databases or coding, allowing to have an up-and-running gallery in a few minutes.
10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins for WordPress
In this article we will share the most wanted category hacks and plugins for WordPress which you can use in your themes. These snippets of codes are a lifesaver in many situations when it comes to modifying a theme.
15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
WordPress community is growing fast, and we are coming up with new hacks every day. In this article we will be sharing with you some of the killer, most wanted, and extremely useful WordPress Hacks that you can use to unleash the power of this blogging software that we all love. We will try to explain how each hack works, if you don’t understand something feel free to ask the question in the comments.
9 Extremely Useful RSS Tricks and Snippets for WordPress
RSS is one of the core feature of WordPress and every other blogging platform. It is very useful because your readers keep track of your blog updates mostly by using RSS. In this article, we will show you some of the most useful RSS hacks, tips, tricks, and snippets for WordPress.
How to Create a Dynamic Design Portfolio with WordPress
As anticipated in a recent post I have set out to turn my Portfolio and Freebies pages into dynamic lists that update automatically every time I add new content. The process is finally complete. Here’s how I did it.
Even More Advanced Thumbnail Selection in WordPress
About 3 weeks ago I did a screencast on how to build a dynamic thumbnail selector for WordPress. When I wrote that function, I noticed that if the post was in more than 1 of the specified categories, then it choose the first one (alphabetically). This bothered me enough that today I devised a system that will select the category based on a hierarchy we give to the options.
WordPress Conditional Tags In Action (Breadcrumbs)
WordPress is the most powerful blogging system ever , even you can use it to do any type of sites (E-Commerce , CMS, Galleries .. etc) i think wordpress is going forward to be a framework , all this because of the powerful functions it offers to developers .
I’m going to use some of the wordpress Conditional Tags plus other wordpress functions to create a Breadcrumbs Navigation for wordpress .
10 ways to make your wordpress theme look like pro
For me, wordpress is the most easily customizable cms I ever see. There’s always something new about it, there’s hidden functionality that we never discovered. What I think, we just used 50% out of wordpress and another 50% we need to figure it out.
No More Invalid RSS
Well, let’s get to it! The fix was found at and is very simple to use. First of all, you need to download the script file, called wejnswpwhitespacefix.php and upload it to your blog’s root (in the same folder as index.php. Then, get your index.php file
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